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What God has been doing in Kansas City

Greetings from Kansas City!

We’ve had a full week of miscellaneous ministry opportunities. The VBS has stayed consistent with around 5-10 kids each day.  That’s only required a few of us each day, so we used this as an opportunity to follow God leading us in other ways.  Throughout the week the kids covered the streets by giving out New Testament bibles door to door around the community and praying for those who were comfortable.  The kids found a lot of joy being able to share Jesus in such a straight forward way.  


We also had an opportunity to keep blessing the Community Assistance Council by folding clothes, gardening, sorting food for the food shelf, and doing yard work for their transitional house. 


One last opportunity was what they called door hangers. It was a bag of the new testiment, the Ten Commandments, and a list of churches. You would walk around and stop at every house and at least try to have conversation with the owner and pray for them. Many people were not home due to the time we went. But when people did answer, most of them were very sweet even if they were not Christians. A couple of times people shut the door or were not interested. It was very cool to see people come out of their shells and really open up. 


Another opportunity was to go to the plaza when the skate park/playground didn’t work out too well. We ended up having no one come to the skate park or the playground, so we regrouped and decided on the plaza to go bless the less fortunate. When we got to the plaza we had lunch and got straight to work! We started off by meeting Vincent and he immediately starting talking about how God never fails and will never give up on you. He was so full of spirit and humor it made everyone who talked to him smile and laugh. He has had many losses in his life but manages to stay with God and smile and laugh everyday! The next/last person we met was a very nice woman named Courtney and she had 5 kids at home the youngest being almost two. She was a big blessing with her happy personality.We ended going back another time this week with food but sadly did not see them. 


Today (June 18) we got to go to an impoverished neighborhood and met the  sweetest/craziest lady you will ever meet! Her name was Judy and she was full of faith and energy! She would run right up to the door and bang or walk into the house and call them by their first name and really connect! It was really cool to see such a relationship between neighbors! After we went back to church we got to do ATL which means “ask the Lord” and we all prayed and some of us got pictures or words and we went on a scavenger hunt and our groups met some really nice families. Many people were very receptive of prayer and were willing to have a nice conversation. We got back and started getting ready for the block party!!! It was a huge success except for the down pour of rain that happened towards the end. We had snowcones, hotdogs, chips, water, and had the extreme team come! It was so nice to meet the community more and create relationships. 


We are beginning the journey home in the morning. We praise God for the great things he had done this week and all he has taught us. 


God has truly blessed this team.