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God Had Other Plans for Us

Hello friends and family!

We made it safely to Kansas MO, after 8 hours on the road.  We started off our first day of ministry today (Monday) early, breakfast at 7:00am. Half of our group headed out to the Community  Access Center to help with gardening, sorting through clothes, and stocking food. The VBS planned for this week had a lower turn out than anticipated, so the other half of the group went around the community encouraging kids to join us for the week.

This afternoon we were joined by Team Extreme, an evangelistic group, and then split up in groups into the community giving out New Testament bibles and gospel messages.  We also asked each reciever of the gifts if we could pray for them any way, hoping to build a positive relationship with the Grace Point Church community. 

We are so grateful for any and all prayers and support.  God is doing great things in Kansas City!

Maddy, Kate A. & the Team